Virtual Workshop on the use of the Europlanet Telescope Network for amateur astronomers

The Europlanet 2024 RI project funds access to and use of a network of telescopes (the Europlanet Telescope Network) for the astronomical observation of Solar System objects and exoplanets. One of the objectives of this network is to train and support amateur astronomers in the observations of Solar System objects (planets, asteroids, comets…), encouraging their […]

The 6th East African Astronomical Society (EAAS) Workshop

Virtual Event The main objectives of the EAAS workshop are to promote and enhance the development of Astronomy in East Africa region, to create a platform in networking young and senior scientific communities so as to share their research findings as well as experiences. Consequently, the workshop provides an opportunity to establish regional and international […]


May meeting of the Europlanet 2024 RI Project Management Committee.

Virtual Fireballs Workshop #1 on Fireball Databases and Machine Learning

In cooperation with Europlanet, a series of four workshops that will bring together different networks of fireballs observers as well as machine learning experts is planned over the next two years. This series aims to culminate into i) the development of a common data format and/or common entry point to the observational data of the […]

Euro Nano Forum 2021

The EuroNanoForum 2021 is dedicated to he latest developments in nanotechnology & advanced materials and their contribution to European manufacturing across all industries. The EuroNanoForum 2021 deals with StandardsEducationIPR and safety issuesRegulationsIndustrial policyEntrepreneurshipHorizon 2020Finance and funding through EuropeanPublic-private partnership initiativesSmart specialisation

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