Europlanet Expert Exchange Programme

Europlanet Expert Exchange Programme

The call for Expert Exchange proposals is now closed.

The Expert Exchange Programme, funded through Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI), aims to support the mobilisation of the planetary community to share expertise and best practice and to prepare new facilities and services for integration into the RI.

The programme provides funding for short visits (up to one week). Since the Covid-19 pandemic, virtual visits are also now supported through the Europlanet Expert Exchange programme.

Objectives for an Europlanet Expert Exchange might be:

  • To improve infrastructure facilities and services offered to the scientific community by Europlanet 2024 RI laboratories or institutes (case study).
  • To provide training on theoretical or practical aspects of the laboratory/fieldwork required to plan a future TA application (case study).
  • To foster cooperation between academia and industry (SMEs).
  • To support early career professionals to develop skills to use or manage RI facilities or services (case study).
  • To widen participation from Under-Represented States (from Europe and around the world) in RI activities and services (case study).
  • To support the inclusion of amateur communities in European planetary science campaigns.
  • To support engagement with wider society e.g. through the involvement of outreach providers, educators, journalists, artists etc.


Organising an Expert Exchange                                

The following procedure outlines how to set up and organise a visit in the framework of the Europlanet Expert Exchange programme:

  1. The need for a visit or a virtual Expert Exchange is clearly identified.
  2. The applicant contacts the host facility / institute and agrees the terms of the exchange or virtual visit.
  3. The applicant fills in the application form on the Europlanet website.
  4. When application is accepted, the applicant and the host, with help of the facilitator, prepare a plan to realise the Expert Exchange, either through a physical visit or virtually.
  5.  The Expert Exchange takes place.
  6. After the Expert Exchange, a visit report (2 page maximum PDF file) is prepared and uploaded along with the reimbursement form via the the post-vist form on the website.
  7. The report is reviewed by the Expert Programme Board and if accepted, the eligible costs will be refunded.
  8. Visit report is published on the Europlanet website.

The same basic principles apply for virtual Expert Exchanges as well as normal on-site visits. However, there is some flexibility in terms of the type of eligible costs for virtual Expert Exchanges (see case study below for an example), beyond the accommodation, travel and per-diems that are funded for a physical visit.


Next Call For Europlanet Expert Exchange Programme

The final call for the Europlanet 2024 RI Expert Exchange Programme closed on Wednesday 17 January 2024. Visits should take place between 1 February and 15 May 2024.

The Expert Programme Board will inform applicants directly on whether the application has been accepted.

For any questions or further information about the Expert Exchange Programme, please contact Maria Genzer, Expert Exchange Coordinator (Maria.Genzer<at> and Haukka Harri, Expert Exchange Deputy Coordinator (Harri.Haukka<at>


Map Showing Home and Host Institutions of Participants in Expert Exchanges

List of Completed Expert Exchanges

Visitor InstitutionCountryHost InstitutionCountry
Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire, CNRS – OrléansFranceUniversità di Bologna, Dipartimento BiGeAItaly
The Natural History Museum, LondonUKUniversità di Bologna, Dipartimento BiGeAItaly
University of BolognaItalyDepartment of Earth Sciences, The Natural History MuseumUK
Botswana International University of Science and TechnologyBotswanaATOMKIHungary
Comenius University BratislavaSlovakia Auburn UniversityUS
Comenius University BratislavaSlovakia Auburn University US
The University of NewcastleAustraliaBotswana International University of Science and TechnologyBotswana
The University of NewcastleAustraliaBotswana International University of Science and TechnologyBotswana
Technische Universität BerlinGermanyUniversidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko UnibersitateaSpain
INMETROBrazilAstronomical Observatory Cluj-NapocaRomania
Centre for Energy ResearchHungaryInstitutet för rymdfysik: IRFSweden
Wigner Research Centre for PhysicsHungarySwedish Institute of Space PhysicsSweden
IATE – CONICETArgentinaInstitute Astronomical Observatory – Adam Mickiewicz UniversityPoland
Addis  Ababa Science and Technology UniversityEthiopiaOpen UniversityUK
Armagh Observatory and PlanetariumIrelandThe Travelling TelescopeKenya
Wigner RCPHungaryFinnish Meteorological InstituteFinland
Wigner Reserach Centre for PhysicsHungaryFinnish Meteorological InstituteFinland
CNRS, CBMFranceUniversità di Bologna, Dipartimento BiGeAItaly
Armagh Observatory and PlanetariumIrelandThe Travelling TelescopeKenya
Università degli Studi di Milano-BicoccaItalyUniversité de Lorraine (Nancy, France) France
Constructor UniversityGermanyUniversidad Mayor de San AndresBolivia
The Natural History Museum, LondonUKUniversità di Bologna, Dipartimento BiGeAItaly
INMETROBrazilAstronomical Observatory Cluj-NapocaRomania
Korea Polar Research InstituteRepublic of KoreaThe Open UniversityUK
IMBIV-CONICET-University of CórdobaArgentinaThe Open UniversityUK
Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences HungaryESTECNetherlands
DLR (German Aerospace Center) BerlinBelgiumISSI-BJ Thailand
Departamento de Ciencias Geológicas, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) – IDEAN (CONICET-UBA Institute)ArgentinaUniversità di Bologna, Dipartimento BiGeAItaly
Mayor de San Andres UniversityBoliviaConstructor University BremenGermany

Reports from Expert Exchanges

Expert Exchange: Developing Synergies Between Exoplanet Research and Solar-System Analyses
Expert Exchange: Training on Theoretical Phase Curve Modelling 
Expert Exchange: The Travelling Telescope
Visiting postdoc Steve Bromley and PhD student Barbora Stachova discussing the electron impact spectrum of CO gas at 100 eV electron beam energy.
Expert Exchanges – Call Now Open
Expert Exchange: Training on Molecular and Computer-based techniques
Expert Exchange: Visiting the Swedish Institute of Space Physics and the Esrange Space Center
Expert Exchange: New collaborations between Australia and Botswana for the investigation of...
Expert Exchange: Collaboration Between Brazilian Exoss and Romanian MOROI Networks
Expert Exchange: Improving the Laboratory of Electron Induced Fluorescence
Expert Exchange: Study of Technical Background in Space Development at IRF, Kiruna, Sweden
Expert Exchange: Mass spectrometry of Arctic Ice
Expert Exchange: Raman spectroscopy training and sample analysis
Expert Exchange: Raman spectroscopy training

Article in Europlanet Magazine Issue 3


Apply for a Europlanet Expert Exchange Visit
