Europlanet 2024 RI
June 25, 2024

About COPCA 2024 Following the success of the COPCA 2022 Conference, we are proud to announce a second iteration: the COPCA 2024 Conference will take place between 15-18 October 2024 […]

Acceptance tests of the Electron Microprope Analyser (EPMA) at JEOL GmbH in Freising (Germany). The acceptance was attended by Dr. Enrica Bonato and Dr. Jörn Helbert (Head of the Planetary Laboratories at the DLR Institute for Planetary Research in Berlin-Adlershof). The instrument will be moved to the SAL laboratory facilities as soon as the setup of the clean room will be completed.
Europlanet 2024 RI
June 24, 2024

The Future of Sample Return With Insider Dr Enrica Bonato By Peter McArdle, Hans Huybrighs, Prasanna Deshapriya, Ottaviano Ruesch, and the EPEC future research working group. The field of sample […]

Europlanet 2024 RI
June 13, 2024

ESFRI Landscape Analysis 2024 Launched at Belgian Conference on Research Infrastructures A conference on ‘Research Infrastructures in a Changing Global, Environmental and Socio-economical Context’ was held at the Royal Library […]

Europlanet 2024 RI
May 21, 2024

7. pH-Wert des Mars In dieser Lektion befassen wir uns mit dem pH-Wert bestimmter Umgebungen auf dem Mars und damit, wie sich dies auf seine potenzielle Bewohnbarkeit auswirken kann. Zur […]

Europlanet 2024 RI
May 20, 2024

6. Verdampfung und Aggregatzustände der Materie In dieser Lektion befassen wir uns mit der Entwicklung von Salzschichten und dem Potenzial für ihre Bewohnbarkeit. Zur Erinnerung: Lehrernotizen, Präsentationen und alle Inhalte […]

Europlanet 2024 RI logo

About the Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI)

The Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI) provides free access to the world’s largest collection of planetary simulation and analysis facilities, data services and tools, a ground-based observational network and programme of community support activities.

The project is funded through the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme and runs for four years from February 2020 until January 2024. The Europlanet 2024 RI consortium is led by the University of Kent, UK, and has over 50 beneficiary institutions from 24 countries in Europe and around the world, with a further 44 affiliated partners. The project draws on the resources of the Europlanet Society to disseminate activities and outcomes and develop a more diverse community of users.

Europlanet 2024 RI provides:

  • Transnational Access to 24 laboratories in Europe and seven* field sites, as well as additional facilities in South Korea and China.
  • Virtual Access to services and tools.
  • Networking activities to support the community and provide rapid response observations to support planetary missions.

*Please note: Due to the situation in Ethiopia, the Danakil Depression is currently unavailable.

Europlanet 2024 RI Services:

View Project Deliverables

If you have recieved funding from Europlanet 2024 RI, please add the official acknowledgement below to each publication and dissemination activity: “Europlanet 2024 RI has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871149.”

Europlanet 2024 RI News
— June 25, 2024

About COPCA 2024 Following the success of the COPCA 2022 Conference, we are proud to announce a second iteration: the COPCA 2024 Conference will take place between 15-18 October 2024 […]

— June 24, 2024

The Future of Sample Return With Insider Dr Enrica Bonato By Peter McArdle, Hans Huybrighs, Prasanna Deshapriya, Ottaviano Ruesch, and the EPEC future research working group. The field of sample […]

— June 13, 2024

ESFRI Landscape Analysis 2024 Launched at Belgian Conference on Research Infrastructures A conference on ‘Research Infrastructures in a Changing Global, Environmental and Socio-economical Context’ was held at the Royal Library […]

— May 21, 2024

7. pH-Wert des Mars In dieser Lektion befassen wir uns mit dem pH-Wert bestimmter Umgebungen auf dem Mars und damit, wie sich dies auf seine potenzielle Bewohnbarkeit auswirken kann. Zur […]

— May 20, 2024

6. Verdampfung und Aggregatzustände der Materie In dieser Lektion befassen wir uns mit der Entwicklung von Salzschichten und dem Potenzial für ihre Bewohnbarkeit. Zur Erinnerung: Lehrernotizen, Präsentationen und alle Inhalte […]

— May 14, 2024

Europlanet Joins Swiss Space Area at Fantasy Basel The space area at the 2024 edition of FANTASY BASEL, the Swiss Comic Con, had an exhibition and hands-on activities led by […]

— May 7, 2024

Europlanet Transnational Access on Show at ATOMKI-Hosted Workshop The HUN-REN Nuclear Research Institute (ATOMKI) recently hosted a two-day workshop on Radiation-Driven Chemistry in Astrophysics and Planetary Science. Around 45 international […]

— May 3, 2024

Europlanet Central Europe Hub: Tatra workshop The Europlanet project, in collaboration with the Astronomical Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences and Wigner RCP (Hungary), is organising a two-day workshop for […]

— April 26, 2024

22-EPN3-037: Alteration and Element Mass Transfer from Source to Sink in Planetary Crusts Virtual visit by Astrid Holzheid (Kiel University, Germany) to TA2 Facility 23 – Open University Flow Through […]

— April 26, 2024

22-EPN3-092: Deciphering Traces of Life from the Dawn of Earth’s Biosphere Visit by Nisha Ramkissooon (The Open University, UK) to TA2.2 VU (Exo)Planetary Interior Simulation Laboratory (PISL).Dates of visit: 12-16 […]