Inspiring Stories – Sharing Science through Social Media

Inspiring Stories – Sharing Science through Social Media

Talking to young people in their own language.

In this EPEC Inspiring Outreach Story, Jan Lukačevič from the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Czech Academy of Science tells us how to reach out to a young generation with science through social media!

In previous Inspiring Stories we have read about doodling, active participation in science projects, and other examples of involving young people in science. Are there any other ways of engaging youth and attracting them to a career in science? Well, there are! And as one meme says: “Modern times require modern solutions.”

Communicating science to members of the public is an integral part of a scientist’s job, although the importance of this role has developed over the years. Mocking or disrespect directed towards those willing to communicate science is hopefully becoming a thing of the past. More and more scientists understand the importance of public and political interest due to limited funding and a lack of human resources. What has also changed are the tools to pass on the latest scientific findings. It’s common to write up press releases for media and let the journalist do their job. At best, some scientists are involved in co-hosting shows on radio or TV, although this is more common in English speaking countries.

Currently, media in general are going through a shift. With increasing distrust in traditional media and low interest in printed media and radio amongst young people there’s a need to adjust ourselves to new tools and ways to reach them. Platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram are becoming the main source of information for young people whether we like it or not. 

However, there’s a catch in moving onto different communication platforms. It is not only about migrating the original content, but creating completely new content which is more suitable to the demands of young people.

That’s exactly what I did two years ago, when my friends in the marketing industry convinced me to give it a try. At first I was l very hesitant, doubting my scientific achievements (there were close to none), and whether I was the right person to do this. And since you might be having the same thoughts, here’s what they told me: “Your senior colleagues may be more established and successful than you, but to a young person interested in science it is much more helpful to see somebody younger that they can more easily identify with.” 

Emboldened by this, I started creating posts about space physics, my daily duties, struggles and facts related to how I progressed to my current career. I decided to use my native language for two reasons: First, there’s plenty of English content available so it would be very difficult to compete in terms of quality and second, I wanted to have as few obstacles as possible while trying to reach local audiences and bring them relevant, localised content as every education and cultural system has its own specific needs. 

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Tohle je můj tým! Na začátku května jsme se setkali, abychom se domluvili, jak budeme společně následující 3 měsíce experimentovat v laborce na ČZU – pěstovat zde plodiny, které by zvládly růst ve vesmíru a následně na Marsu. Mars je totiž nehostinné místo, kde se teploty můžou dost až k – 130°C, atmosféra je velice řídká a každá kapka vody má nesmírnou cenu. S členy týmu si vyzkoušíme future job Marsonauta, který zkusí najít způsob, jak v tomhle extrémním prostředí obstát a přinést nové vědecké poznatky, které nám na cestě na Mars můžou pomoct. Jsem proto fakt vděčný, že jsem pro Marsonauta ambasadorem, a který pod hlavičkou @vodafonecz v rámci projektu #jetovtobě nedávno odstartoval. Teď se nám staví laborka a už za měsíc budeme sázet první rostlinky, tak sleduj náš progres pod hashtagem #jetovtobě ! Jestli tě zajímá, jak proběhlo první setkání mrkni na Instagram profilu @vodafonecz

A post shared by Jan Lukačevič (@lukacevicjan) on

So far, it’s been a great success. Using humour and pop cultural references, I have built up a base of over 6000 followers, working with major TV stations and newspapers in the country and teaming up with various companies to create campaigns promoting science to the general public. The most recent campaign promoted by a telecommunications operator consisted of building a lab to grow plants in Mars-like conditions, and has already generated millions of views and the progress (fingers crossed, we haven’t had the first harvest yet) is being covered by both TV stations and newspapers.

So what are you waiting for? Sharing your passion for science and interesting things directly with others has never been easier. Post about your successes, your failures, little happy moments from the research and stories of how you got involved in science. And if you ever struggle (don’t worry, it’s also a trial and error learning process for me), feel free to drop me a message on Instagram. I’ll be more than happy to help!

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Nejlepší průvodce polární září 1: Co to je? Tak a je to tu! K Vánocům mám pro vás slibovaného nejlepšího průvodce polární září, ve kterém si každý den během svátků povíme, co polární záře je, kde ji pozorovat, jak se připravit, co si vzít s sebou a různé tipy a triky. A třeba pak naplánujete vlastní výlet za tímhle krásným jevem! Takže o co jde? Myslím, že když člověk pozná i fyziku stojící za vznikem polární záře, jev ocení o to víc. Může se to zdát neuvěřitelné, ale za polární září stojí částice, které k Zemi putují přes 150 milionů kilometrů od Slunce. Některé z částic kosmického plazmatu uvězní magnetickém pole Země a ty následně zamíří k jejímu povrchu. Když se sprška protonů, elektronů a alfa částic dostane až k Zemi, začnou se srážet s molekulami atmosféry. Při tom z nich vyrážejí elektrony, jejichž místo okamžitě obsazují jiné (protože v přírodě je vždycky snaha zachovat rovnováhu, že jo). Při tomto ději se emituje světlo (a další záření, které okem nevidíme). Podle toho, do jaké molekuly narazí a jakou u toho mají energii, se liší barva polární záře. První protip: pokud jste barvoslepí, nebude to asi taková paráda. Nejčastěji reaguje kyslík a dusík, které uvolňují světlo o vlnové délce 558 nm (v zelené barvě) a 630 nm (v červené). A proč se polární záře hýbe? Světlo jako takové potom září v nejrůznějších pohybujících se křivkách a smyčkách. To je dáno tím, že nabité částice jsou ovlivňovány zemskými magnetickými siločarami, které jsou samy neustálé a dochází k jejich pohybu. S kým byste se chtěli dívat? Zítra si povíme, kam se za polární září vypravit! #space #universe #planet #earth #science #astro #astrophotography #astronomy #aurora #auroraborealis #north #northernlights #iceland #sweden #norway #night #nightskyphotography #guide #adventure #trip #winter #pruvodce

A post shared by Jan Lukačevič (@lukacevicjan) on

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Title image: Star Forming Region NGC 3582 without Stars. Credit: Andrew Campbell

Inspiring Stories – Sailing Across the Stars

Inspiring Stories – Sailing Across the Stars

In this EPEC Inspiring Outreach Story, José Eduardo Oliveira Silva from the Observatorio Astronomico de Lisboa tells us how he embarked on an outreach voyage along the coast of Portugal to bring the joy of science to people living on the coast.

José Eduardo Oliveira Silva aboard the Vera Cruz.
José Eduardo Oliveira Silva aboard the Vera Cruz. Credit: J.E. Oliveira Silva

In August 2016, the Ciência Viva institution (which means Living Science in Portuguese) in Portugal was celebrating its 20thanniversary, and as a major science communication institution they planned a grand event to bring Portuguese cultural heritage together with science. Ever since Portuguese sailors navigated around the Cape of Good Hope over 500 years ago, sailing by the southern tip of Africa and into the Indian Ocean, Portugal has had a worldwide reputation for maritime exploration.

Thus the “Ao Leme com a Ciência Viva” project was born, which means “At the Helm with Ciência Viva”. Together with 7 volunteers representing different scientific institutions and fields including biology, chemistry and astronomy, we embarked on an outreach voyage along the coast of Portugal, passing through key ports to celebrate science, grand adventures and our connection to the sea.

At the time I was a Master’s student with a background in physics. I wouldn’t say I was a scientist at the time, but I was reasonably knowledgeable of the sky and the motions of the Sun, Moon, stars and planets. As in the early days of ocean exploration I was tasked with traditional navigation using the stars and tools like the sundial and astrolabe.

José Eduardo Oliveira Silva aboard the Vera Cruz. Credit: J.E. Oliveira Silva
José Eduardo Oliveira Silva aboard the Vera Cruz. Credit: J.E. Oliveira Silva

The voyage took seven days on a historical ‘man-o-war’ vessel named Vera Cruz. As part of a small 20-person crew of scientists and sailors, we lived and worked on or below deck and were always surrounded by the sea breeze and the light of the stars. Everyone had a job, and these ranged from handling the helm (which required at least two people sitting on a cable to push the helm in a given direction), preparing food, or cleaning the bathroom. It was sometimes hard to stay awake on duty at 4 in the morning while trying to keep the boat from crashing into a rock — but in these moments we were always rewarded with a beautiful sunrise over the coast.

The magic of outreach came to life during the voyage and, when docked at harbour, we met with the public ranging from dazzled children to curious seniors. I was given the opportunity to demonstrate how sundials work and how to build one with just a piece of paper and a straw (and of course by making some calculations, as at the end of the day I am a physicist).

So many remarkable moments were condensed in that week that it’s hard to express everything, and even harder to write them in a short article. But I’ll finish with something I learned from this trip (apart from how to tie knots):

To my fellow scientists, never miss an opportunity to do outreach. Whenever possible within your ability and schedule, be willing to give some time to help people. The help you give to others usually pays off in some way and you might even be selected to go on a wonderful voyage, as I was. For me, the outreach activity is its own reward. I’ve been doing it for more than 7 years, both at the Observatory of Lisbon and the planetarium, hopefully bringing wonder and knowledge to the public so they can peer a little bit deeper into the darkness of the cosmic unknown. Which, in my opinion is at the heart of outreach.

José Eduardo Oliveira Silva aboard the Vera Cruz.
José Eduardo Oliveira Silva aboard the Vera Cruz.

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Inspiring Stories – launching the stratospheric balloon

Inspiring Stories – launching the stratospheric balloon

In this EPEC Inspiring Outreach StoryHannah Sargeant from the Open University in the UK tells us how she launched a stratospheric balloon with the help of school children in an attempt to spark their love for the space exploration.

Since winning the I’m a Scientist competition I did a lot of research into space balloons and how to launch them. I came across European Astrotech, who deliver high altitude balloon programs for schools, and they were excited to get involved in a joint project. With added financial support from the LUVMI rover team we were able to work with a local school in Milton Keynes (UK) to deliver a couple of space themed sessions cumulating in a launch of a space balloon.

After bad weather hampered the first launch, I spent a morning with year 5 looking at the scale of the Universe and wrapping our heads around just how far apart everything is. Once the weather cleared up we rescheduled the launch and an expert from European Astrotech delivered a talk to year 5 & 6 students on how science in space has affected our everyday lives. Then, we all launched our own science project into the edge of space with our space balloon equipped with a high-resolution camera.

Included on the balloon were also two drawings from the winners of a space design competition. As the Astrotech team chased the balloon the students could track with me its progress along with the chase car. High definition videos from the launch have been later recovered and shared for everyone to enjoy the launch all over again.

I’ve always had a passion for outreach but the I’m a Scientist experience inspired me to challenge myself and try to organise something involving various experts to provide the most exciting experience for the students. This allowed me to spend a great time with inquisitive children curious about the Universe and the ways in which we are exploring it, but also to learn how to organise a large outreach project lasting for couple of days and including many participants from several fields. I hope that I will have a chance of working again on future space balloon projects and collaborating with more experts to give further students a passion for space science and technology.

Originally posted as an I’m a Scientist Winner report.

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Inspiring stories – Doodling for Science

Inspiring Stories – Doodling for Science

In this EPEC Inspiring Outreach Story, Zach Dickeson of the Natural History Museum & Birkbeck, University of London in the UK, tells us how he draws inspiration from the planets!

Figure 1 – Sketch summaries of work presented by @DalyPlanet (left) and @ciara_mcgrathx (right) at the recent National Student Space Conference (@UKSEDS).

As scientists, we are passionate about the work we do and the discoveries being made in our field, but to communicate that excitement to a wider audience is a real challenge. Publications covering new science can be dense, difficult reading even for specialists. To outsiders – especially those with no science background – this is a barrier that keeps many from understanding or engaging with science at all. Social media can be a great way to share the science we love, and including a fun image is a great way to stand out amongst the avalanche of other posts.

I’ve always enjoyed sketching and doodling, but never did much with my random creations. At the weekly space science seminars held at my university I found it helpful to draw summary sketches of the talks to help myself remember the key points. On a whim I began posting some of the summaries. I soon got requests to do summaries for other peoples work, and many of the speakers have requested copies of the sketches for use in their own presentations and outreach. The talk summaries are a bit more shareable than a link to the latest paper and even though the summaries assume some science knowledge they can be a great introduction for someone who may not have found the subject any other way.

Figure 2 – Science comics based on the entry, decent and landing of @NASAInSight on Mars (left), and the asteroid sample collection manoeuvres of @haya2e_jaxa (right).

Science based comics are also a great way to grab the public’s attention and impart a bite sized bit of science in a fun way. There are plenty of good science comics and cartoons out there covering a range of subjects, but I’ve found them to be great for highlighting topical events in space exploration. A smiley face on a satellite or a rover can go a long way to helping someone relate to the excitement of a mission, and it’s easy to sneak in a bit of science. At the very least it may help someone remember a few small details about a mission, and with any luck it will inspire a few people to look for more information on the subject.

Since beginning to draw science comics and talk summaries the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, and the online engagement with the comics and sketches has been great considering the small following of this humble doodler. Sharing the science is the goal, and we all benefit from a more scientifically literate and engaged public. So whether you think of yourself as artistic or not, have a go at sketching or doodling some science you’re interested in, or reach out to someone like me and pitch your idea. When it comes to sharing exciting research, a scientist’s perspective may count for more than artistic ability.

Twitter: @ZachDickeson

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Inspiring stories – A place where people are fighting for knowledge

A place where people are fighting for knowledge

In this EPEC Inspiring Outreach Story, Anna Łosiak of the University of Exeter boldly goes where science meets fantasy in the magical world of comic-cons.

There are places on this Earth where people are really determined to learn about science. Really, really determined. They not only spend hours in queues, but also occasionally participate in proper fist-fights in order to win their way into a lecture room. Those magical places are comic-cons.

I have always been a nerd. I know The Silmarillion almost by heart, live according to teachings of Terry Patchett and follow Capitan Jean-Luc Picard nearly religiously. It should be no surprise to anyone that I have been attending comic-cons. At first, I was only listening: about the science behind the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (we can mutate turtles, but they will most probably not turn into ninjas), about extinct fantastic beasts (gigantic spiders – yes, dragons breathing fire – no), and all about faeces (can you try to foretell the future from your own excrement? Yes, you can, but it works only if you are asking about your own health and have quite a lot of modern medical equipment handy). Lectures were usually given by other nerdy scientists: PhD students and full professors alike, who were combining their knowledge with their hobby to produce something that was both informative and entertaining. I wanted to be like them.

So, one year, 5 months before the event, I sent in an abstract and a short motivational letter to the comic-con, and was accepted. My first lecture was discussing what is scientifically correct and incorrect in the movie Armagedon. This topic is quite close to my hart, because I study impact craters and the environmental mess that they can induce on Earth. The one thing I will always remember from the evening of the presentation is a quite interesting-looking fight to get to the lecture room (Spiderman vs Conan the Barbarian – the latter won).

Lectures during a comic-con are among the most challenging outreach activities I have participated in (and I do a LOT of outreach). It needs to be understandable, engaging and entertaining for people of different ages (from early teenagers to people in their 70s), education levels and backgrounds. Luckily all those people have something in common that can be used during the presentation: their love and knowledge of sci-fi and fantasy culture. For example, probably they do not know much about impact craters, but they all are aware that Wakanda (a home of the Black Panther) was created thanks to the impact of a large vibranium meteorite. And this common comic-related base can be used to create a tale of real impact craters.

After a couple of years lecturing at comic-cons about space science I have been given large, 450 people rooms to fill and I have gained a very small but an absolutely heartwarming group of people who regularly enjoy my efforts. I have had a couple of long discussions after my lectures (e.g. 3-hour long deliberations about the habitability of planets known from sci-fi books and movies). Last but not least, as an invited first-level VIP, I have met (in a toilet) a couple of famous actors (flown to Poland from the USA). It was fun! ?

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Inspiring stories – Back home, back in time

Inspiring stories – Back home, back in time

In the third of our Early Career Inspiring Outreach Stories, Erica Luzzi of Jacobs University Bremen shares her impressions of revisiting her old school.

A very long time has passed since the last time I was in my old school. That’s where I decided to start my outreach experience. As a sensitive person, I just thought that feeling at home would have relieved some of the pressure, helping me to actually reach the kids I was there for.

Just walking through those corridors, I realised how much I missed that place. I remembered the dreams of becoming someone one day, with something to say to the world. I remembered the infinite mornings sitting behind that desk, no clue what the future might be.

And then, I finally came back as an adult. As a scientist. Some of my former professors were still there, calling me “colleague”: it blew my mind. The awe I had back then for those figures who looked invincible. And now, they just look to me as they really are: humans. Frustrated, sad, disappointed, tired. Even the rooms that were looking so big to me, in that moment appeared to be the smallest place on Earth. Everything changes once you grow up, but some things don’t: some of us, are still dreamers.

My presentation for the kids was: “Planetary geology: how, where and why”. While I was telling them that I was happy to be back in my hometown and at my old school, they looked at me like an alien. They were wondering,  whispering to each other: “Is it possible to become a planetary scientist coming from here?”.

I reassured them, the answer was yes. They had the power to become whatever they wanted. In their smiles, full of hope and joy, I recognised my own dreams and my own innocence.

I asked them to interrupt me whenever they wanted to ask questions, express their curiosities, and not feel ashamed and embarrassed. And, against my expectations, they responded so actively to my presentation, that they had no idea how much it meant to me. They were not only asking silly questions just to show the professors they were involved in the presentation, they were really curious, smart and  aware. I have always had doubts about the next generation: I guess it is typical to believe that the good values of the old times are gone forever.  Somehow I was scared by the lack of interest and curiosity, I thought that since they were born in a society were everything is immediate – every piece of information, every human contact – they would not know the patience, the perseverance, the preciousness of waiting even for a small result. But I was wrong. Those kids showed me how passionate they are and mostly, how they are naturally provided with the logical and intellectual means to process the inputs coming from the outside.

They kept the discussion alive for the entire hour of the presentation, feeding it with their curiosity, facts they knew, looking for confrontation, even challenging my knowledge sometimes.

When I was leaving, their smiles were a testament to an unexpected gratitude. They filled my heart, they really did.

This outreach experience was my first one and I am glad I took the chance to let this happen. Now I know, there is something noble that makes us even richer than improving our scientific knowledge: spread it, make it a property of those who have an entire future to build with the eyes still full of hope. Make them participate to human progress, because they are our future, and it is way much brighter that we could possibly expect.

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Inspiring stories – ExoWorld Spies

Inspiring Stories – ExoWorld Spies

An exoplanet project as a vehicle for public outreach!

In the second of our Early Career Inspiring Outreach Stories, EPEC Outreach Co-chair Anastasia Kokori explains how the public can become ExoWorld Spies and contribute to missions exploring worlds orbiting other stars.

Introduction: Exoplanet research today

To date, more than 3.900 exoplanets have been discovered. Exoplanets are planets orbiting other star, outside our Solar System. However, we know very little about them. For example: What are they made of? How were they formed? Could they host life? Future space missions such as NASA’s JWST and ESA’s ARIEL will try to answer to these questions.

The ExoWorlds Spies project

To help these space missions and make them more efficient, we need to know when exactly these planets pass in front of their stars. In our project “ExoWolrds Spies”, we use small and medium scale telescopes to “spy on” already known exoplanets for long periods of time. In this way, we can track their paths around their stars precisely and let the spacecrafts know when exactly to observe them. The public can become “ExoWorlds Spies” by obtaining or analysing observations and contribute to real astronomical research.

What is the methodology we use?

After obtaining the data with the telescopes we analyse them with computer software in order to measure the light coming from the star. As the planet passes in front of the star, the star is becoming dimmer. The drop of the light will give us information about the planet: its size, its orbit and its transit timing.

Exoplanet research as a collaborative effort!

This research involves a variety of audiences including professionals and amateur astronomers who are observing target stars with their telescopes. We believe that science can be done by everyone and science is for everyone and thus, volunteers from the public can also become participants. In the near future we aim to create more interactive tools so everyone can access them and get directly involved in real exoplanet research! You can find more information here

Public outreach

The project is a great tool for public outreach. For the past three years our team has been organising presentations both for the public and school students in Greece to spread the science behind exoplanets and planetary science. A dedicated website has been created where we upload articles and publish posts related to new observations of targets and other exoplanet articles.


We have been running a social media page on Facebook where our followers get information both on the ExoWorlds Spies project and planetary science news. A variety of audiences have already been engaged through the project and the feedback so far is very positive. We wish to spread the word in other communities around Europe so more people can learn about exoplanets. If you would like to get involved, e-mail us at:
You can visit our website for more information or follow us on Facebook and get updated on the exciting field of exoplanets!

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Inspiring Stories – Barrel organ of plate tectonics

Spotlight on Outreach – Barrel organ of plate tectonics: an innovative tool for outreach and education.

This guest post on the “Barrel organ of plate tectonics”  for our Spotlight on Outreach series has been contributed by by Dr. Petr Brož of the Institute of Geophysics of the Czech Academy of Science and co-chair of the Outreach Working Group of the Europlanet Early Careers Network (EPEC). 

Plate tectonics is the major geological concept to explain dynamics and structure of Earth’s outer shell, the lithosphere. In the plate tectonic theory, processes in the Earth’slithosphere and its dynamics are driven by the relative motion and interaction lithospheric plages. The regions on Earth that are most geologically active often correlate with the lithospheric plate boundaries. Thus, for explaining the Earth’s surface evolution – mountain building, volcanism and earthquakes’ origin – it is important to understand processes at the plate boundaries. However, the processes associated with plate tectonics usually require a significant period of time to result in effects and, therefore, their entire cycles cannot be directly observed in nature by humans. It is a challenge for scientists to study these processes, but also for teachers and science communicators trying to explain them to students and to the general public. To more effectively engage people with these concepts, we developed a mechanical model of plate tectonics which demonstrates the most important processes associated with plate tectonics in real time.

The concept of plate tectonism is usually explained by schematic illustrations which are static and therefore can be hard for the public to imagine the complexity of the processes.

A cross-section of the Earth, showing the sub-surface layers that compose the inner structure of our planet. Credit: USGS

How does the model work?

The mechanical model is a wooden box, more specifically a special type of barrel organ, with hand painted backdrops in the front side. These backdrops are divided into several components representing geodynamic processes associated with plate tectonics, specifically convective currents occurring in the mantle, sea-floor spreading, a subduction of the oceanic crust under the continental crust, partial melting and volcanism associated with subduction, a formation of magmatic stripes, an ascent of mantle plume throughout the mantle, a volcanic activity associated with hot spots, and a formation and degradation of volcanic islands on moving lithospheric plate. All components are set in motion by a handle controlled by a human operator, and the scene is illuminated with colored lights controlled automatically by an electric device embedded in the box.

Conclusion and feedback

This mechanical model can be used as a unique outreach tool of geological processes usually taking eons to occur. Thus, students and the general public can understand the most important concept in geology in an easy and entertaining way. The very positive feedback from the audience showed us that we developed a really efficient tool on how to explain this interesting theory.

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